Sunday, 26 June 2011

Task 1: What makes for an effective music video?

I have chosen to analyse 'Stacy's Mom' by Fountains of Wayne

Instant Impact
The video is very unique and memorable as it is both humorous and tells a story. The attractive female actors and 'love-struck' male provide interest for viewers and moments of comedy. 

Non Linear Editing
The constant cross-cutting between band and actors tells a narrative and establishes who the characters are ment to be. The lead singer being the boy and telling the viewers the story of his childhood crush. The editing jumps between memories the boy has of Stacy's Mom and shows how he has 'waited so long' for her. This enables for flexible editing as we aren't following a chronological narrative but just watching different scenes from the singers life.

The camera always returns to the band on the chorus. This is the only part of the song that isn't telling any narrative so it is logical to show the band performing, This allows the audience to see the band and also portrays their image to the viewer.

Strong Sense of Artist Identity
The band comes across as very playful and relaxed. This is done by:
1. The lyrics
2. Their clothing
3. Their performance
The band is relaxed when they play, holding the guitar low down and looking at the camera showing how they are at ease with both the instrument and camera. They are dressed in blazers with ties yet their shirts top buttons are undone and the ties are loose. This has connotations of children at school which relates to the narrative that is being told and widens their appeal as they begin to appear 'cheeky'.

The performance by the actors is memorable and humorous. As well as the bands relaxed appearance. It isn't as visual as other videos yet the narrative it tells is just as captivating. The video lacks a great amount of the band so the performance is mainly down to the actors which is done successfully.

Visual Pleasures
The two female leads are both attractive broadening its audience. As well as this the video itself is fun to watch. Its snappy and of a good pace and quality meaning its not difficult to watch over and over again.

Wow Factor
The video features moments of sexual appeal with the character of Stacy's mum being the focus, for example during the massage, pole dancing and when she exits the pool. This definitely used to appeal to a male target audience as well as captivating viewers.

Provokes a Reaction
Again, Stacy's Mum provokes a reaction from the male viewers especially and either appalls certain people or entertains others.

Works on different levels
Not only does the video create comedy and entertain the viewers, It also portrays a storyline that many people may be able to relate to. The ideas of 'forbidden love' or falling for the wrong person is a common storyline in both movies and music videos.

Popular Culture
The culture of the period is conveyed and features typical american fashion, especially the sunglasses and leather jackets worn by the boys at the beginning.

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