Thursday, 15 September 2011


Throughout my life my music taste has stayed pretty similar. I first got into music when I bought myself an iPod at age 13, up until then I was oblivious to any other forms of music that weren't on my parents 'Travel songs' (the majority of which were by The Eagles and the sound of them still makes me feel car sick).

This song by The Offspring is a favourite of mine..... I am still unsure why. It was a bit vulgar for a child of my age but I don't think I enjoyed it for the rush and rebellious feel I would get when saying 'B****'. This leads me to believe that the laid back beat and steel drums appealed to a younger form of myself and to some extent actually brainwashed me to enjoy the sound of the band. Listening to it now I can see that the singer lacks talent and all their songs sound the same, however, I really don't care. I saw The Offspring at reading this year and absolutely loved it, I quickly found myself at the front surrounded by tattooed, pierced thirty year olds who had obviously grown up loving the band. All their videos are quite childish and cheeky and I think it fits the image of the band, I think the music has rubbed off on my character as more recently I find that I am slowly turning into a child trapped in a young man's body.
A portion of my life is void in my memory and I am yet to discover why. It was the time between joining Latymer and starting GCSEs, I believe this gap in memory is due to a lack of Media coursework, as I usually pinpoint precise times in my life by thinking of what project we were working on at the time. Anyhow, my memory returns around the time of the 2009 children's TV trailer project. A song that reminds me of the time is the song 'Clint Eastwood' by 'Gorillaz'.

This song is popular with me as it reminds me of simpler times with no exams or work. I first became interested in the Gorrilaz when they released their album Demon Days in 2005, however, my enjoyment of their music returned when I used the track 'Feel Good Inc.' as a backing track for my trailer 'Halloween Horrer'. The song is again catchy and laid back with a steady almost hypnotic beat, similar to other gorrilaz songs. They are again a quirky band as all the band members are cartoon characters played by the DJ's Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett. I am still a fan of their music as I find its easiest to listen to when trying to fall asleep (this is meant in a complimentary way as the music makes me feel relaxed!).

At this point in my homework, I've 
realised that every single song I have posted has been released in 2005, 'Why don't you get a job' is the exception being released in 1999. However, I've been playing the CD of 'The Offsprings Greatest Hits' whilst writing this. So I just turned over the album and what do I see? 'Why don't you get a job' was re-released in 2005. Whilst it would be nice to spice up the years and mention a more recent song the one I had lined up for my final song is 'Bowling For Soups' song 'Almost' which, you guessed it! was released in 2005. Must have just been a good year.

I got into this band a few months ago when their album, 'A Hangover you Don't Deserve' was recommended to me on iTunes. I had always been a fan of their song 'Girl All The Bad Guys Want' but I was quite new to the band as a whole. Something about their songs always gets me in a happy mood, Possibly cause I see the band members and am thankful I am not anything like them. However, its in-keeping with my narrow genre preference of alternative/punkish/1990's style rock bands. I think I enjoy the bands quirkiness and how laid back they appear. I've always been someone who listens to albums rather than singles as I just enjoy finding the hidden gems that bands can sometimes produce, I found plenty on the album and still listen to it on repeat!

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