1. What are the typical features an album cover has?
- The Artist(s) feature heavily (especially on debuts)
- Eye-catching Imagery
- Album name
Back Cover
- Track list
- Institutional Information (Bar code, Label etc.)
2. How would you categorise the covers? Are there any other ways of distinguishing between them other than generically?
3. Album covers serve many different functions. What do you think these are?
Album covers serve to entice potential buyers of the album, they are often visually interesting and are designed to be eye-catching. They often show off a bands image that the label deems to be aspirational to its target audience. As-well as this the cover and back cover serve to inform the audience of what music is available within the album. The front cover often notifies the buyer of bonus features with band interviews etc that the CD may feature.
Specific Album Cover
This album is simple but I think its successful for it. It shows the band 'hanging out' back stage. It connotes a relaxed, cool side of the band making them appear more human and likable. The old-style effects of a double image makes the album look 'charming' and retro. The text is a modest font and doesnt jump out at you. I believe the cover appeals to its audience as it is laidback and 'chilled' just like the consumer. The back cover is just as simple as the front, It features the album title and songs, its clean look is appealling as it just is easier to look at and is not too strenuous to see excactly what you want to find out. The slight overrun of colour from the front to the back in the top right adds just a slight artistic look to the back and again shows-off the overall modest chic of the album.
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